Feedback : the power of conversations
Existe au format livre et ebook
Présentation du livre
FEEDBACK. You probably think you know what it means. Think again. This book will reveal what you’ve been missing! Feedback is at the heart of life. It’s the art of using communication to foster growth and enhance performance. In both professional and personal life, it’s a powerful tool for ongoing development.
“I have never met a single person who complained of receiving too much recognition. On the other hand, I have met a staggering number of people who were desperately short of it.”
Feedback is more than just a communication tool, it’s a new language to learn and master. It represents a shift in how authority is perceived across society. Moving from a traditional command-and-control management to a leadership based on engagement, this book offers essential insights into embracing feedback, building trust, and inspiring those around you.
Sommaire de l'ouvrage
1. First Conversation
Chapter One - We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know
- Agreeing on a Definition
- A Theory of Life
- The Feedback Desert
- Doomed to Learn?
- The Impacts of Feedback
2. Second Conversation
Chapter Two - An Art Is Nothing Without Technique
- The Structure of Feedback
- Techniques for Controlling the Future
- Once upon a Time, Mistakes Were Made
- Accelerating your Development
- From Prose to Poetry
3. Third Conversation
Chapter Three - When Language Becomes Culture
- Mastering your Culture
- Start with the “Why?”
- Everyone on Board?
- On Your Marks, Get Set, Go!
- A Project Philosophy
4. Fourth Conversation
Chapter Four - Si Vis Pacem Para Feedback
- Critique of Pure Submission
- The Engagement Revolution
- The War of the Authorities?
- Feedback is a Humanism
- School Is the Place to Start